Perfection is overrated. Let’s find joy instead.

Online therapy for women feeling trapped by high standards

The dark side of striving for perfection

You’ve always been a high achiever. You’re detail-oriented, and you are known for producing good work. You do what you’re told and try your best to not rock the boat. As a kid, you were a “joy to have in class” because your teachers could count on you to follow the rules and engage in learning. Now, your boss has learned to count on you to fulfill your work responsibilities and go the extra mile without complaint. You try your hardest to present the best version of yourself wherever you go because you’d hate for others to think negatively of you. Every so often, you think of a new workout schedule, haircut, or skincare routine that will finally give you that edge and make you feel comfortable in your own skin. 

But you know those changes only lift you up a little bit. You’ve been in this pattern for a while. You accomplish more and more, yet you still feel empty. You’re having a hard time not viewing yourself as a never-ending self improvement project. You’re often comparing yourself to your peers, wondering if you measure up and then taking mental notes on how you can be more like them. That super critical voice in your head rarely seems to be satisfied. But on the outside, it looks like you’re doing great. You’re always put together and on top of things. Despite all that, you may be asking yourself, “Why do I still feel so anxious?”

Working even harder isn’t going to fix this

While I can’t answer that question here for your specific situation, I can assure you that the answer isn’t because you haven’t achieved or done enough. You are enough. While you may have a hard time believing that right now, therapy can be an amazing tool to get you to a place where you can believe it wholeheartedly and without question. 

Therapy for self-doubt and perfectionism may be for you if:

  • You’d like to be able to make a mistake without beating yourself up for hours (or days, months, or even years!) on end 

  • You’re struggling with making decisions because you think you can’t trust yourself to make the right choice 

  • The fear of messing up leads you to procrastinate on important tasks

  • You have a hard time understanding and talking about your feelings, especially the hard ones that feel uncomfortable (and suggest imperfection)

  • Your inner monologue is usually negative, and it’s becoming harder to feel good about who you are

Do I really need to talk about my feelings?

You may be questioning if going to counseling is really necessary. After all, your high standards and tireless work ethic are the reasons why you have been successful. “Wouldn’t things fall through the cracks if I stopped striving for perfection? Are people going to start judging me if they see I’ve lowered my standards?” These are questions I have heard from clients and have also asked myself. I get it, it’s scary. It may be hard to envision what life can look like if you make some big changes, but if you’re ready to take the leap and dig in, counseling for self-doubt and perfectionism can help you:

  • Let go of the need of approval from others and focus on what really matters to you

  • Make decisions without guilt or second-guessing yourself

  • Discover your worth outside of your accomplishments and hard work

  • Stop endless social comparison and feel more at peace with being yourself

Online Therapy for Self-Doubt and Perfectionism

Online counseling offers flexibility and comfort without sacrificing quality of care. With online counseling, you’re not limited to seeing therapists in your area, and you can meet for sessions from the comfort of your home, or any confidential space. I strive to create a safe, nonjudgmental space for you to explore anything that feels important in the moment. I will challenge you occasionally to help you see different perspectives while respecting your autonomy. My goal is to help my clients work through the things holding them back from seeing themselves as worthy just as they are, and to help them move through life feeling content with being their authentic selves.

We will meet for your initial intake session to get a sense of what your needs are and how I can help. It may feel scary to be vulnerable at first, but we will work at a pace that feels comfortable to you. In session, you’re guiding the conversation. Let’s work together so you can start feeling confident and finally release self-doubt that is keeping you small.

Ready to take the next step?

  • Reach out

    Fill out the contact form and I will get in touch with you within one business day to schedule your free 15-minute phone or video consultation

  • Consultation

    We’ll chat about what you’d like to work on in therapy to ensure I’m a good fit for your needs and to answer any questions you have

  • Begin your journey

    We will get you scheduled for your intake appointment so you can start reaching your goals